I haven't made a post in over a week, which is normal, but heaps of stuff happened in that week. Here they are.
I went to Animania last week which is a big anime festival where people cosplay and stuff. I went with my friends Ren, F-face, Helena, Anoushka, Iain and Gemma. Ren and F-face dressed up as the same person but he has a split personality so they shared alter egos. The person they dressed up as was Akito/Agito from air gear. Gemma dressed up as Izumi from full metal alchemist. i said i was dressed up but i have a confession 2 make. Dragon from Water Cog doesn't exist. o well.
Animania was fun though. I saw people dressed up as characters from team fortress 2, which i didn't think was very anime-ish but it was still awesome.(by the way, engie beet sniper in DDR) I got a picture with them and that's the big picture on this page up the top-left. we kept yelling MEDIC behind the medic. Below is a pic of the stuff i got. Ren bought me the Domo-Kun T-shirt for me because I ran out of money and she is a CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!! I also got a mini companion cube 2 go on my keys.and a badge that said THE CAKE IS A LIE on it.
Later on, on Friday night, there was a thing at my sailing club to celebrate the new season. We all went outside and played Bullrush............at night..........big mistake. I ended up running full speed into another kids face. He was fine but i broke my nose.
(The following sounds very weird but, whatever)
Braking my nose was fun. My brain was telling me "jack, start crying" but my body said "screw you" and then i started laughing because it would have looked hilarious if you were watching me and the other kid WHAM into eachother. My nose bled heaps but it isn't bent or anything, just swollen.
GRRR. We had 2 go 2 the hospital and wait 4 2 hours 2 find out that we couldn't and shouldn't do anything about my nose. PISSED ME OFF.
but anyway. BYE